Conrad Goes Down Under

Taking a breather and seeking the therapeutic combination of sun, sand, and sea. Off for a while Down Under.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

PS let me know if this is starting to take a long time to load up, and I'll start another page.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What did I tell you...Sunblock and hat! Both seem to be absent in most pictures.

1:31 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What did I tell you...Sunblock and hat! Both seem to be absent in most pictures.

1:32 a.m.  
Blogger Sabrina said...

Hey Brother! the pics are beautiful. So happy we met up with you in Port Douglas. Looking forward to Brisbane!
ps> Listen to your Mom - Australians have major sun issues!

10:14 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Start another blog site and don't tell your Mom the address. We want to hear more about what you wouldn't put on a site accessed by your mother. Uncle Eddie.

PS. Love site Con.

7:48 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm just happy there's no pics of you with your wedding tackle splayed out.

I guess that's a pretty big moth.


1:36 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


okay 1st how can you not like fish????? And I swear on my life the food is supposed to be cheap!

second are you wearing a skirt??--talk about rediscovering yourself

and third, you are supposed to find a place to rope down a waterfall.

be well,

1:29 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man, you sure seem to be getting the most out of this. You've done more Ozzie stuff than I have, and I live here.
By the way, I can't help but think the Kamploops Division is on the right track. Oh yeah - hello Kamploops Division.

Your cousin in Sydney

5:57 p.m.  

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