Conrad Goes Down Under

Taking a breather and seeking the therapeutic combination of sun, sand, and sea. Off for a while Down Under.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Bells Beach and coast.

We got up the next morning, and already the 9-11 rehash tributes were clogging the airwaves. We thanked our gracious hosts Annie and Lee, and after a few errands hit the road south from Melbourne to Torquay via Geelong, essentially an industrial burb of Melbourne. At Torquay, a little (though popular) surf town, we could see the coast for the first time, and started our trek down the Great Ocean Road. I wanted to stop and see everything, and I'm glad Norm had the same mindset. One stop was Bell's Beach, a famous location for surf competitions. One can see why, as the trees and hills around the beach give shelter and the function of a natural amphitheatre. The waves seemed decent, but I think we were there at low tide.


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