Conrad Goes Down Under

Taking a breather and seeking the therapeutic combination of sun, sand, and sea. Off for a while Down Under.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Once aboard the Ragamuffin, we were assigned bunks, little tubes built into the side of the cabin that reminded me of a torpedo bay. It was cloudy and fairly windy, about 20 knots, once we left the safety of Abel Point Marina. Although it made sitting on the deck a bit chilly, it also made for great sailing. Much of our first cruise was spent keeling at a 45 degree angle, water sloshing over rails and up the deck, making the trip to the beer fridge a little precipitous. Aside from that, the sailing was pretty mellow, just enough wind to make it interesting. Everyone got a token try at raising the sail at some point, but aside from that, our involvement in the sailing of the craft was minimal.
Aside from the first voyage, the weather was great, sunny and warm. Our time was spent chilling out on the deck, snorkelling in little sheltered bays (a different vibe than the mid-ocean stuff - presence of plants here means different visibility and different fish), and being ferried from place to place (notably Whitehaven Beach an South Molle Island.) Nights were spent playing cards and attempting pretty crude astonomy (it was a cloudless New Moon, so everything stood out. There's a whole new set of stars on this side of the planet, and the moon (when it is out) waxes and wanes to the opposite side than I'm used to.


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