Conrad Goes Down Under

Taking a breather and seeking the therapeutic combination of sun, sand, and sea. Off for a while Down Under.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Dive boat en route to the Yongala, a wreck that sank in 1911 and is regarded as the #1 spot to dive in Oz, and top 5 in the world. Here, I had my latest flashbulb memory: backlit by the sun while swimming 20m underwater, a 20-foot marble ray, flanked by sharks (though I later found out they weren't sharks but cobia) gently flapping above to my left, while another was gliding just to the right of me (also finally saw turtles - several huge suckers too!). Also, "Maggie" in the morning - the beach in front of my hostel (X Base) on Magnetic Island, off of Townsville. Deets to come!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Muskoka here...Great stuff, Con. Glad you are having a such a bad time! If all else fails, you can take up travel writing.
cheers.. Kand P

6:49 a.m.  

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